2.1 Consider these questions briefly and individually. Note down any answers and ideas that you might have.
1. You are expecting ten participants for a 9.00 am meeting. It is 9.02 and only eight people are present. The two missing people are not key participants. No one told you of any plans to be late.
2. The meeting has been running for 25 minutes. Some participants have not spoken, although they appear to be interested and attentive.
3. As chairperson, you have introduced a topic. However, no-one wants to begin the discussion.
4. The meeting has been running for 45 minutes and half the agenda items have been covered. You notice, through non-verbal behaviour, that the interest level of the group is falling.
5. One participant starts talking for a long time about a topic that is not on the agenda.
6. Two people, sitting together, keep whispering to each other. It has been going on for some time.
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